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Questions without Answers .
Bleasdale Marcus
Phaidon Press Limited
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40 col e b/n

This major work presents, in chronological order, a remarkable sequence of photo-stories from pioneering photo agency VII, documenting world history as we have experienced it since the end of the Cold War. In the years since this pivotal moment in international politics, our world has been transformed by the spread of American capitalism, the increasingly rapid decline of regional cultures, the resurgence of ancient feuds and the rise of complex terrorism. This period has also seen a shift in the character of photojournalism, as represented here by the dynamic, up-to the-minute work emerging from VII. The 12 extraordinarily talented photographers who make up this agency work at the cutting edge of digital photojournalism, committed to recording social and cultural change as it happens around the world. Each brings an individual vision to the agency - some choosing to tackle dramatic events head-on, others pursuing more idiosyncratic, personal projects - but all share a commitment to their individual subjects and to their belief that the act of communication provides hope even in the most extreme situations. This ambitious book features photographers' personal material, including journals and project notes, alongside a strikingly broad selection of stories. Photos documenting the recent American election sit alongside a collection of portraits featuring famous cultural figures such as John Updike and Tim Burton. We move from an exploration of 'volcano culture' in Indonesia to dispatches from the current economic crisis and its effect on those working in finance. The crucial work done by VII in documenting conflict - environmental, social and political, both violent and non-violent - is also represented, including stories from the war in Iraq, the crisis in Darfur and the terrible events of 9/11. With an introduction by the eminent Daniel Friend, the former director of photography at "Life" magazine, this book is an important, moving and compelling record of the world we live in.
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Prezzo: € 54.00

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