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Art and designed in fixed blade knives
Darom David
White Star edizioni
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Following the success of his world acclaimed book, Art and Design in Modern Custom Folding Knives, Dr. David Darom explains the compelling drama of adding the second volume, Art and Design in Modern Custom Fixed-Blade Knives. According to Dr. Darom, Several of the world's leading custom knife-makers challenged me to complete what I had already begun, in a second book of similar design, this time showing the art of modern custom fixed-blade knives. Thus, twice in three years, he got together over sixty world class artists, creating these two Hall of Fame books on the wondrous art of modern custom knives. Following the success of his world acclaimed book, Art and Design in Modern Custom Folding Knives, Dr. David Darom explains the compelling drama of adding the second volume, Art and Design in Modern Custom Fixed-Blade Knives. According to Dr. Darom, Several of the world's leading custom knife-makers challenged me to complete what I had already begun, in a second book of similar design, this time showing the art of modern custom fixed-blade knives. Thus, twice in three years, he got together over sixty world class artists, creating these two Hall of Fame books on the wondrous art of modern custom knives. Following the success of his world acclaimed book, Art and Design in Modern Custom Folding Knives, Dr. David Darom explains the compelling drama of adding the second volume, Art and Design in Modern Custom Fixed-Blade Knives. According to Dr. Darom, Several of the world's leading custom knife-makers challenged me to complete what I had already begun, in a second book of similar design, this time showing the art of modern custom fixed-blade knives. Thus, twice in three years, he got together over sixty world class artists, creating these two Hall of Fame books on the wondrous art of modern custom knives. Following the success of his world acclaimed book, Art and Design in Modern Custom Folding Knives, Dr. David Darom explains the compelling drama of adding the second volume, Art and Design in Modern Custom Fixed-Blade Knives. According to Dr. Darom, Several of the world's leading custom knife-makers challenged me to complete what I had already begun, in a second book of similar design, this time showing the art of modern custom fixed-blade knives. Thus, twice in three years, he got together over sixty world class artists, creating these two Hall of Fame books on the wondrous art of modern custom knives. Following the success of his world acclaimed book, Art and Design in Modern Custom Folding Knives, Dr. David Darom explains the compelling drama of adding the second volume, Art and Design in Modern Custom Fixed-Blade Knives. According to Dr. Darom, Several of the world's leading custom knife-makers challenged me to complete what I had already begun, in a second book of similar design, this time showing the art of modern custom fixed-blade knives. Thus, twice in three years, he got together over sixty world class artists, creating these two Hall of Fame books on the wondrous art of modern custom knives. Following the success of his world acclaimed book, Art and Design in Modern Custom Folding Knives, Dr. David Darom explains the compelling drama of adding the second volume, Art and Design in Modern Custom Fixed-Blade Knives. According to Dr. Darom, Several of the world's leading custom knife-makers challenged me to complete what I had already begun, in a second book of similar design, this time showing the art of modern custom fixed-blade knives. Thus, twice in three years, he got together over sixty world class artists, creating these two Hall of Fame books on the wondrous art of modern custom knives. Following the success of his world acclaimed book, Art and Design in Modern Custom Folding Knives, Dr. David Darom explains the compelling drama of adding the second volume, Art and Design in Modern Custom Fixed-Blade Knives. According to Dr. Darom, Several of the world's leading custom knife-makers challenged me to complete what I had already begun, in a second book of similar design, this time showing the art of modern custom fixed-blade knives. Thus, twice in three years, he got together over sixty world class artists, creating these two Hall of Fame books on the wondrous art of modern custom knives. Following the success of his world acclaimed book, Art and Design in Modern Custom Folding Knives, Dr. David Darom explains the compelling drama of adding the second volume, Art and Design in Modern Custom Fixed-Blade Knives. According to Dr. Darom, Several of the world's leading custom knife-makers challenged me to complete what I had already begun, in a second book of similar design, this time showing the art of modern custom fixed-blade knives. Thus, twice in three years, he got together over sixty world class artists, creating these two Hall of Fame books on the wondrous art of modern custom knives. Following the success of his world acclaimed book, Art and Design in Modern Custom Folding Knives, Dr. David Darom explains the compelling drama of adding the second volume, Art and Design in Modern Custom Fixed-Blade Knives. According to Dr. Darom, Several of the world's leading custom knife-makers challenged me to complete what I had already begun, in a second book of similar design, this time showing the art of modern custom fixed-blade knives. Thus, twice in three years, he got together over sixty world class artists, creating these two Hall of Fame books on the wondrous art of modern custom knives.
Art and designed in fixed blade knives
Prezzo: € 60.00

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